Kids 1st Daycare LLC was established in 2015 by a stay-at-home Mom who wanted to provide quality childcare for other children just as she wanted for her own. It all began with 2 daycare children in addition to her own 2 children. The need for childcare in the area quickly became apparent and she began the state licensing process. By the summer of 2016, Kids 1st was licensed for up to 7 children, still operated by one Mom who wanted to create a safe space for children to grow, learn, and play.
In 2019, Kids 1st had 13 children enrolled and hired an assistant. When 2020 came and shook the world, Kids 1st stepped up to the plate and opened their doors and hearts to full time care for the children who were all of a sudden no longer physically attending school. This created a challenge where additional space and safety were required. In the fall of 2020, Kids 1st, purchased a new property with more space and added not only additional staffing but also increased capacity.
Currently, Kids 1st Daycare LLC consists of two locations, 9 staff members and up to 30 children for each location. We have grown with grace and continue to strive to provide quality, in-home childcare with offering many benefits of a center. Our mission is to provide parents peace of mind knowing their child(ren) are loved, cared for and safe all whilst experiencing opportunities to explore, learn, and play.
We appreciate the years of support from our families who have outgrown or moved as well as the currently enrolled families. We wouldn't be able to continue to do what we do without everyone's involvement and unwaivering support. Our team hopes to exceed expectations and maintain the hightest level of care possible while also having an open ended opportunity for improvement and growth.